
I teach Saxophone, Clarinet and Flute.

Lessons are usually 60 or 30 minutes long. I aim to teach a minimum of 33 lessons per year.

I offer a range of lesson options from 1-1 tuition through to small group (4 max) lessons.

1-1 tuition costs £30 per hour or £18 per half hour.

1-2 tuition costs £16 per hour (per student) or £10 per half hour

1-4 (small group) is only available for beginners and is £5 per half hour (per student)


1-2 and 1-4 lessons are dependant on enough students of a similar level being available. These lessons are only truly effective when attended by students of a similar level of ability.

Group lessons are not recommended for students of above grade 5 ability.

Group lessons will only be available when my Skipton Teaching studio is open. Unless a mutually agreeable location can be arranged.